Express True Love

“Whatever you are doing, love yourself for doing it” — Thaddeus Golas


It’s elusive, awe inspiring, and in the context of creativity, absolutely essential to the true expression of your art.  In the creative form, love exposes the artist to the world.  Your fears, your joys, and even your sanity are on display.  You cannot hide.  But love also gives back to you, the artist, with a deeper sense of acceptance.  You may find acceptance from your friends or family, lovers or strangers, but only with True Love can you find acceptance of yourself.

A Garden Path

So how can you ensure that each word you write, each picture you paint, each act you perform contains that essential seed of True Love?  You cultivate it.  The journey of creativity lies in viewing the aspects of the inner self, good and bad, accepting what exists there, and using that fertile ground as the basis of personal expression and growth.

Once you involve your inner self you have every aspect of consciousness at your disposal; the creative Muse, the analytical Daemon, the truthful Observer, the loving Heart, and the choice of Free Will.  Powerful tools.  And the more you use them, the stronger they become.

Unfortunately, simply having these powerful tools won’t write the story, paint the picture, or perform the play for you.  You must act.  And creative action implies challenges.  Every artist faces different challenges, but many have the same emotional roots. Judgment. Anger. Sadness. Apathy. Fear.

Here’s the catch, you must work through your personal challenges to reach your creative form of love…But you’ll need True Love to work through each challenge.  That’s why True Love, as a form of creativity, is a nonlinear process.

Take Action

Just like any other worthwhile journey, to step on the creative path requires a leap of faith.  To reach True Love, you must believe in it.  You can do this.  Simply choose True Love. Ask yourself if you want unconditional love, in your life, in your art, in your creative expression, and in every action you take.  To choose True Love, is to choose transformation, change, growth.

“To see your drama clearly is to be liberated from it.” –Ken Keyes Jr, Handbook to Higher Consciousness

Then, go out and discover True Love by discovering yourself. Who are you?  What do you believe?  What are your likes and dislikes?  What are your goals, your aspirations?  What are your fears, your boundaries?  What are your good and bad habits?  What do you want to change? Tell the truth.  Search until you have a clear picture of yourself in this moment.  Write everything down in a journal so you have a snapshot in time.

Next, fall in True Love with yourself.  Go on coffee dates, take long walks along the ocean, watch the sun set, meditate on gratitude.  And take the time to accept exactly who you are and appreciate your true self. This is not the time to judge or promise you’ll change.  This is the Honeymoon.

Lather, Rinse, Repeat

Now, simply take whatever step calls to you.

Perhaps you discovered something you wish to change.  By choosing love, you choose to face the challenge presented to you.  True Love grows from the courage to face challenges whatever the outcome.

Or perhaps you want to review how you’ve changed.  Rediscover True Love by revisiting your journal, reassessing fears and boundaries, or redefining your goals and dreams.  Write it all down and compare it to who you used to be.  Celebrate who you are now.

Or, stay in the Honeymoon state, finding a deeper and deeper acceptance of your true self by experiencing life through the lense of True Love.

The Creative Spirit

“Love alone can unite living beings so as to complete and fulfill them… for it alone joins them by what is deepest is themselves.

All we need is to image our ability to love developing until it embraces the totality of men and of the earth.” — Teilhard De Chardin

With each pass through this process, your True Love will grow.  As will your ability to express and share True Love in the creative form.  Exercising this power can strengthen your entire consciousness.

Remember, your expression of art may be about any subject, but it requires True Love to provide the key element…. You.


What does True Love feel like? How do you creatively express True Love? Share your ideas in the comment section!

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