Courage is a call to action — one that creative leaders never, ever ignore. Leadership directs change. Leadership drives growth. And Leadership generates success by overcoming the fear of failure. All because true Leaders build the courage to make decisions and accept the responsibility for their choices, alone.
Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear – not absence of fear. – Mark Twain
Think about the last time you went to the movies. Everybody goes to the movies to have a good time, to be entertained for a few hours, to experience the thrills, chills, loss, and love of an adventurous life. But did you go with your friends and family or did you go by yourself? Most likely, you went with someone, because you wanted to share the excitement and responsibility together.
Very few people are willing to go to a movie alone. Perhaps they are scared to be seen as unpopular. Or perhaps they are afraid that their friends will be angry because they weren’t invited. Maybe they are simply worried that they won’t be able to finish that huge bucket of popcorn all by themselves. But a leader can use courage to over-ride all these small fears. He can make a decision because a leader believes in his goals even if others do not, and still enjoy the process.
What if you decided to go alone, bought your ticket, and then discovered you were the only person in the entire movie theatre? Consider the symmetry of coincidences that are required for this to happen. And consider how your own choices have molded these coincidences into a special evening that the Universe reserved just for you. (This does take place. It happened to me last week when I went to see the new Star Trek movie.)
Never be afraid to tread the path alone. Know which is your path and follow it wherever it may lead you; do not feel you have to follow in someone else’s footsteps. -Eileen Caddy
There’s a special feeling that occurs when the lights dim down and it’s just you and that huge movie screen. The scary parts are scarier. The funny parts are funnier. You are free to yell at the screen and wave your hands without the fear of disturbing anyone else. (Which I highly recommend, by the way.)
For those two hours you are completely engrossed. You had the courage to stay and watch the movie alone, to pick a goal and accept responsibility for your actions. Now, no one can distract you with a hushed whisper, a discrete cough, or a quickly silenced cell phone. You can express deeper emotions and feel more distinct sensations without the concern that someone will judge you. You are rewarded by the richness of an experience that many people never have. This reward is inherent to every courageous decision, whether it ends in success or not.
But, after the hero beats the bad guy, saves the city, and makes out with her soul mate as the sun drops below the horizon (a la Angelina Jolie in Tomb Raider), you realize you are still on your own. Now, as you walk out of the theater, feeling refreshed and excited, you have a new choice. You can feel anger, fear, or sadness that you had to go to such a great movie by yourself. You can feel apathy and pretend you never decided to go in the first place. Or, you can feel gratitude for the adventure, for making a choice and living through the repercussions of that choice.
As a leader, you must pick gratitude. Because picking anger wastes the Power you just gained and picking apathy gives that Power away to someone else. Neither of these will augment your level of courage. By feeling gratitude, you accept your Power and strengthen your courage for the next important decision.
In essence the movie you just saw was about your life. You have to be willing to experience your life on your own terms, through your own decisions and steer it toward the adventures you wish to take. Every time you face your fears with courage, by taking action and taking responsibility, you will acquire more leadership skills, more courage, and more Power.
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you’ve imagined. As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler; solitude will not be solitude, poverty will not be poverty, nor weakness weakness. -Henry David Thoreau
You are the true Leader of your life, so you already have this innate courage. Don’t ignore this Power and pass it on to others; like your boss, your spouse, or (eegads!) your television. Don’t give away your Power to change, your Power to grow, your Power to overcome fear. Instead develop your Power and develop your courage. The more you believe in yourself, the more you will know that belief is justified. It’s as easy as going to the movies!