Close your eyes and imagine I’m taking you to a cocktail party to meet the 5 most important people in the world. However, you’re not a guest at the party, you are the bouncer. Your job is to make sure everybody has a good time without getting too drunk and without starting any fist fights. Because tomorrow, these people are the ones who have to work together to make your Life Purpose possible. And anybody who ends up with a black eye won’t be very cooperative in the morning.
The creative but messy and unorganized animal that lives on the right side of your brain. Lives off of instinct, pure passion, and the search for a new playground. Doesn’t care about right, wrong, left, right, upside down, right side up, or circular acrobatic mind flips. Your Muse is flighty, emotional, temperamental and has a tendency to hide whenever you have a deadline.
But what color is her hair?
The logical, representative, analytical, repetitive, detailed, repetitive, and sometimes stale robot that controls the left side of your brain. Lives off of math, rules, standard processes, and the Websters dictionary. Doesn’t understand the word playful and never colors outside the lines. Your Daemon is militant, precise, regimented and forces you to work long hours chasing the false image of perfection.
Does his tie have polka dots or stripes?
The quiet, expansive consciousness who watches over your life and your actions without judgment. Lives off of meditation, truth, and solemn contemplation of everyday mysteries. Doesn’t worry about past or future, mistakes or triumphs, joy or tears. Your Observer is relaxed and always present.
Is he wearing a suit, a pair of blue jeans, or an ashram robe?
The source of every authentic decision you hear from deep inside. Lives off of the freedom and power of making a choice and taking full responsibility for your entire life. Doesn’t sound like your parents, peers, friends, boss, or role models… EVER. Your Voice always knows exactly what you really want.
Is he drinking a vodka tonic, a glass of wine, or a Roy Rogers?
The personal knowledge of who and what you truly love without doubt, hesitation, or fear. Lives off of a binding connection to all people, all life, and all universal energy. Doesn’t allow the illusion of safety to keep you from expressing your long term goals and desires. Your Heart gives you the motivation to follow your dreams.
Does she seem tired or excited to meet you?
Each person at the party already knows that you are here to help them work together on a very important project. But they don’t know exactly what that project is. You have to define it for them. You have to present it to each of them in a way that they can understand and then delegate actions so that everybody can use their special strengths to help you succeed.
So while everyone else is raving over how awesome my Mojitos are, you have to figure out….
What can the Muse do?
Brainstorm, come up with the most crazy insane ideas that might actually work, and get playful without adult supervision but with a time limit.
What can the Daemon do?
Sort through the jumble of ideas, analyze the options, and determine which ones are realistic and which ones are pipe dreams.
What can the Observer do?
Keep everyone focused on the Truth, what is reality, and then let you decide how to move forward along your path of purpose.
What can the Voice do?
Listen carefully to each option, make an honest decision, and stand his ground whenever the opposition says “that’s not possible.”
What can the Heart do?
Whisper the word “BELIEVE” in your ear, sing your praises for every action you take, and then shout triumphantly off every rooftop as your dreams become reality right before your eyes.
Here’s your chance to meet each one and find out what makes them tick. Learn how they like to work and more importantly, how they like to work together. Take a minute and have a conversation with each one. Ask them how they would solve a problem that you haven’t been able to solve yet.
Jot down details about them in your journal. Who do you find the easiest to speak to? Which one has the funniest jokes? Which one pisses you off or tries to ignore you? Which ones interrupt you? Which ones get along and which ones don’t?
As you acquaint yourself with each facet of your own personality, you may discover areas of your life that you’ve been ignoring or overemphasizing.
- The current educational system taught you to focus attention on your logical Daemon and ignore your creative Muse. But deep down, you know you need your Muse, even if she is a bit messy.
- The constant bombardment from others may have relegated your true Voice into a dark corner and made it hard to hear exactly what he is saying. Take this chance to differentiate that Voice from all the rest.
- The Observer is always mindful of his feet. Ask yourself “Where are my feet?” and realize that you didn’t have them in your awareness until a moment ago.
- Imagine how different your life would be now if you really believed in your dreams and took a leap of faith every once in a while. Learn to listen and trust the whispering of your Heart.
“A man who is master of himself can end a sorrow as easily as he can invent a pleasure. I don’t want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.” ~Oscar Wilde
After taking the time to meet and appreciate your Muse, Deamon, Observer, Voice and Heart, you may discover that EVERY person is a little crazy on the inside. But after a deeper look, you’ll realize you need every one of these invisible people inside you to reach your dreams. It’s just a matter of giving everybody an umbrella in their drink AND learning how to lead them.
“A man has to learn that he cannot command things, but that he can command himself; that he cannot coerce the wills of others, but that he can mold and master his own will: and things serve him who serves Truth; people seek guidance of him who is master of himself.” ~James Allen
Have you ever noticed the 5 invisible people inside you? Do they usually fight or get along? Share your ideas in the comment section! |
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hmmmm…apparently I’m stuck in the daemon mode and have forgotten what the others might want… not a good situation today. thanks for reminding me that there is more to me than just the damn rules!!!
@jv – Exactly! Everybody thinks the Daemon has to rule, but he doesn’t. You’ve got to let everybody out to the playground to really open up your life. (especially that messy, creative, wonderful Muse that sees Dragon Feet in cactus roots 🙂