About Patterns, Lasers, and a lack of Undigested Chunks

Look, the world is changing and you want to change with it.

But it’s hard to do that because of all the negative pre-existing patterns that are currently propagating through (and by that I mean having “pattern sex,” multiplying, and thoroughly screwing up) your business & your life.

I’m not just talking about the annoying habits you’re trying to break (although we’ll get to those)…. I’m talking about all the hazardous, inconvenient, uncomfortable problems that keep popping up and holding you back from getting exactly what you want out what you do.

It sucks when you finally decide to streamline your shipping process, loose weight, or find your soul mate but you can’t seem to break free of the endless paper pushing,  stop eating donuts, or get a damn date on a Friday night.  But there’s a hidden process in every one of these problems.

Is it really so much to ask for a life filled with Health, Joy, Love, Honesty, Abundance, and Freedom?

Hell NO!

You CAN have everything you want out of life. You just have to set the right pattern in motion and ride the wave. Don’t worry, (dun-dun-da-da) I’m here to help.

First off, let me say that I’m not a psychologist, but I play one on TV (just kidding) and I’m not a counselor (although I did stay at a Holiday Inn last night). But I am a Physicist, an Engineer, a Technical Writer and a Human Being. I’ve spent my entire life enamored and engrossed by puzzles, analyzing patterns, and creating systems that make it easier for people to do difficult things (like shoot big lasers, fly satellites in space, and read ebooks on that ridiculously thin Kindle screen).

Think Dogbert meets Lois from Family Guy and you’ll have a good idea of the first 30 years of my life. Until I discovered that the same types of patterns that kept me stuck in a job I hated and a series of difficult relationships also helped me loose 70lbs (I dropped from a size 18 to a size 6) and catapulted my career from Junior-Engineer to Project-Manager-In-Demand to Technical-Writer-&-Researcher.

Once I figured it out, I learned how to turn negative patterns into positive change… and I want to pass this on to you.

Pattern Interrupt is about sharing how to Simplify & Organize your hidden processes into Streamlined & Useful Patterns.

Now, I’m not perfect. I’ve screwed up, made huge mistakes, and paid some serious consequences in my life. (funny story, I once walked into a strip club… eh, lets save that for the blog) So I’m not going to promise that following my methods will instantly pop you into a Utopian life with deep blue skies and crowds of admirers throwing flowers & 100 dollar bills at you.

What I will promise you is this:

Absolutely, Positively No Filler! – If I don’t have something original and useful to say, I won’t say anything at all. This site is about bringing you valuable, applicable knowledge. I refuse to add to the InfoPorn on the net.

My Life as a Continuous Test Case – I will not only explain how to change your negative patterns, but also give you detailed examples of how I made similar changes in my own life. I am the Guinea Pig. (only taller, with longer hair, and hopefully more attractive)

and finally….

Everything I know that will Change Your Patterns, and Simplify Your Life – I’m going to let my brain throw up on this blog. (Only without the undigested chunks) I will share with you every method of change I know, discover, and experience… So you can use your patterns and processes to simplify your Business & your Life.

One Response to About Patterns, Lasers, and a lack of Undigested Chunks
  1. Randy Pena
    October 2, 2009 | 2:54 am

    Thanks for posting the article, was certainly a great read!

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