[Day 12 of 365]:
The good news is that it’s day 12 and I’m still writing. The great news is that I’ve got some more scenes from the Shattered Souls storyline. The bad news is that it’s totally out of order from the previous two posts. However, word are words. Writing is writing. And right now, I’m happy that my MUSE is producing something with details, plot, characters, action, and just a little humor.
Today’s post is what Holly Lisle calls a candybar scene. A scene you can’t wait to write. Something that makes your creative juices flow. I was dying to see how the first confrontation between Marcus’s new girl and his old ex would play out. Looks like there were a few fireworks and an odd Monster or two. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Writing Prompt: List out three or more candybar scenes, pick one and follow it where ever it leads you.
“Two johnny walkers and a flaming nipple for the lady” Sera juggled glass bottles and ignored the barely legal pink tubetop covering a layer of rotting flesh that “the lady” was wearing. She smelled like sewer and roses but nobody else seemed to notice.
“IDs?” Sera avoided the Succubus’s hypnotic eyes and possible entrancement. Two frat guys pulled some very abused drivers licenses out of their pockets.
“You too honey.” She stole a glance at an ID that looked like a library card but had the right hologram and embedded signature. It was hard to tell just from looking at it, but once she picked it up, she knew the thickness was off.
“You guys are fine, but your lady has to go. “ Sera was glad there was a reason to get rid of her. The smell of the succubus alone was driving her crazy and she really didn’t need any of the bar partron’s dying in the bathroom while getting a blowjob from the living dead.
“But, It’s my birthday” said the lady around her snapping gum.
“Well, you’re going to need a few more birthdays first.” Sera put both hands on the counter
“Come on.” the guys echoed
“Sorry. We not only make the rules around here, but we enforce them too.”
“Well you’re a fucking buzzkill” The snapping succubus in pink pouted with shiny purple lips. She turned toward the exit “you coming Damien?” She slid her off-white flesh across his chest and caressed his chin.
“Yeah. your damn bar smells funny anyway” Damien knocked over his ice water glass on the counter “besides, this place is filled with ugly bitches.”
Sera smiled sweetly and pointed at the door, ”You can walk out or I can have Tony escort you out.” She waved at the 210 pound ex-linbacker standing near the entrance.
Sera nodded at Tony who started tracking the threesome’s winding path toward him. He greeted them with a smile, and opened the door with a arm covered with a tattooed pile of skulls laying in a cloudy purple haze. The succubus took a quick look at the slight hidden double horns protruding from his head and scurried out the door, dragging Damien with her. Most menotaurs have a tendancy to eat things that get into their way, but Tony was actually a vegetarian. Plus, a couple of Forest Demons had just been escorted out the back, so Sera wasn’t worried about finding him a salad.
She turned to the next customer shouting for a vodka tonic when Damien came running back in, shouting obscentities. He ran directly into Tony who forcibly steered him back toward the front door as Damien tried to get out a coherent sentence. Tony frowned and Sera heard him in her head, ‘Monster trouble outside. I might need a hand here.’ Sera hated when he used telepathy with her, but for once she was glad he didn’t have to shout over the din.
Katie, the second bar hand, was training a new guy, Angelo, so Sera said “Time to earn your stripes on the battlefield Angelo. Take my spot.” And then jumped over the bar, moving quickly through the filled tables to where Tony held Damien by the entryway.
“Damien says the girl in pink is getting her ass kicked by some tiny brunette outside. He’s jabbering on about a wierd light show and I figure that’s a few too many sparks for this shit in public.” Tony didn’t like surprises
“Shit. Let’s go see if we can get those girls out of our front yard.” Sera walked toward the door.
Tony pointed Damien toward a chair “Stay Put.”
Sera opened the door and barely avoided a 6 inch platform shoe. “The lady” was backed up against a red audi with the other spike heel in her hand staring across the sidewalk at her attacker. She was breathing hard, ignoring Damien’s friend who was crumpled a few steps away. He wasn’t moving.
Sera followed the lady’s gaze and saw Marie standing along the brick wall to her left, “I told you to get the fuck out of here” Sera said but didn’t move.
“I should call the health inspector,” Marie smoothed her silk halter top. “Apparently, this place is infested with vermin”
Sera ignored the insult and looked at the succubus “Honey, it’s really time to leave. Now” The blond shook her head yes and dropped the shoe. Her pink boobs jiggled as she ran down the street and disappeared into a side alley. Tony, who hadn’t been sure which woman was the problem moved toward Marie. “Forget her Tony, check on our fallen frat boy”
“What, no hello for me. I’d expect more from a proprieter and her pet?” Marie smiled. Tony picked up the frat boy and helped him walk back toward the bar.
“Get off my property or I’m calling the cops. I don’t have time for a jealous ex.” Sera turned to go back inside the bar.
Marie stopped smiling and took a step toward Sera, “Marcus needs your help.”
“Fuck you” Sera pulled out her cell phone.
“Seriously, he won’t listen to me and the alchemist coming after him is bent of having his powers and his life. I know you have the sight.”
Ser turned to Tony, “Take this dickhead inside and find him a bandaid. The cab ride home is on me.”
“What about her” Tony tipped his head toward Marie. “you gonna be okay?”
“That’s my problem.” Tony disappeared inside the bar.
“You’ve got 3 minutes to explain yourself.” Sera made sure to block the entrance with her body. She didn’t need any fireworks inside the bar either.
“Marcus has a serious vendetta with a rogue alchemist. The alchemist killed his fiance years ago in a huge fire & he’s been amassing power ever since I’ve known him. I tried to make him give it up but he refused to listen. Apparently revenge is more important than love. And now the alchemist knows. He’s coming for Marcus”
“What kind of fire?”
“The official story is that Renee felt asleep with a fire burning and somehow it spread around the room before she could wake up. Marcus tried to save her, but couldn’t find a way inside. He found the alchemist’s elemental markers later.”
Sera felt like she had heard this story before, back when her mother died. Her hands closed into fists and she felt her Mother’s ring press into her flesh. Sera felt her new power flicker slightly and then the ring clamped down on the barrier. She had forgotten to take it off in the bar and was glad for it’s dampening.
Marie misunderstood Sera’s show of power “I can see you are as angry as I was. Now will you help me?”
Hoping to draw more information about the Alchemist Sera asked “What’s this guy look like? Is he local?”
“I’d rather not talk about that here. I know he’s got powerful friends in this city, so we need to act fast.” Marie looked around the empty street. “There’s an elemental bar up the street called RainShots The owners are friends of mine and keep the protection circle up 24/7. I can tell you everything there.”
“Fine.” Sera agreed, but wasn’t sure if she’d actually go. She wanted to talk to Marcus first. “I’ll meet you there after we close up. 3am?”
Marie nodded and Sera turned to open the door. But as her hand touched the door she felt Marie slap her right forarm and a sharp sting. She had time to see Marie withdrawing a small metal barb hidden on the underside of a ring before the dark night around her become total black. Marie waved her hand toward the street and caught Sera as she fell. The succubus, now in a pair of blue jeans and a white windbreaker drove Marie’s black benz out of the alley and stopped in front of the bar. She jumped out and helped Marie get Sera into the back seat. Marie stayed in the back as the succubus sat down behind the wheel.
The blond bombshell turned & smiled, “Took you long enough. We clear?”
Marie nodded “No worries. She’s got barely a glimmer of talent. Just the sight.”
Blondie eased the black benz away from the curb and drove south on Jasper Drive as the rain began to fall.
What scene have you been dying to write? Did it turn out how you expected or did the characters have a mind of their own? |
Comments, links to your writing prompt results, and lurkers are always welcome.
Wow, great article. Great.