Author Archives: Lira

MultiTasking & Four Corner Charts Suck!

Angry at my Four Corner Chart

I hate Four Corner Charts. They aren’t a useful method of maintaining my priorities or of communicating my critical activities. I find them to be a soul sucking creation that breaks each of the knuckles on my right hand before lobotomizing me in huge crushing MS Powerpoint jaws.

The 5 Invisible People Inside of You

5 Invisible People Inside of You

Close your eyes and imagine I’m taking you to a cocktail party to meet the 5 most important people in the world. However, you’re not a guest at the party, you are the bouncer. Your job is to make sure everybody has a good time without getting too drunk and without starting any fist fights. Because tomorrow, these people are the ones who have to work together to make your Life Purpose possible. And anybody who ends up with a black eye won’t be very cooperative in the morning.

Are You Really Good Enough?

Is this butterfly Good Enough?

Some days you can just feel the stickiness around you. It holds you like a butterfly in honey… stuck in your rut, trapped in your box, the walls of a life, a job, or a career, that you don’t want, but can’t seem to get out of. You can see a million ways to change, but how do you know which option is the right one. So instead of taking action, you hesitate. You hesitate because you’re not sure that whatever you do will actually change things enough to make a difference. How can you know if you are strong enough, smart enough, or fast enough to make a lasting change? And the truth is, you’re probably not capable of doing enough….. But this isn’t actually a bad thing. Let me explain.