Author Archives: Lira

Not Dead Yet

Brick's Pizza by Pantagrapher

Tweet [Day 2 of 365]: Since this is my second day, I’m still filled with embarrassment at the silly things my brain throws onto the page.  On the other hand there’s also hope that I’ll be learning something from the entire year of practice ahead.  And I’d have to say that I truly enjoyed this…

Fill In The Blank

undead sign by postbear

Tweet [1/365]: Today is Day 1. Which means a fresh start for me, a fresh start for this blog, and maybe a fresh start for you too. Today, I begin an experiment– a new challenge. I’m going to do something that I’ve never done before. That I’ve never tried before. That I’ve never even contemplated…

Cutting Success to Pieces, An Ode to Pie

Plain Pumpkin Pie slide by Melissa Esplin

Tweet After you’ve decided to fix something that’s fucked messed up and you’ve figured out a goal that aligns with your passions and your purpose, then it’s time to get into some details about exactly how you want to create this change. Where’s My Pie? Consider the goal you created as a Pie In The…