Category Archives: Personal Development

Are You Really Good Enough?

Is this butterfly Good Enough?

Some days you can just feel the stickiness around you. It holds you like a butterfly in honey… stuck in your rut, trapped in your box, the walls of a life, a job, or a career, that you don’t want, but can’t seem to get out of. You can see a million ways to change, but how do you know which option is the right one. So instead of taking action, you hesitate. You hesitate because you’re not sure that whatever you do will actually change things enough to make a difference. How can you know if you are strong enough, smart enough, or fast enough to make a lasting change? And the truth is, you’re probably not capable of doing enough….. But this isn’t actually a bad thing. Let me explain.

36 Small Ways to Build Big Courage

Courage of a Superhero

You are afraid of something. I know you are. I’m afraid of something too. It doesn’t matter what you fear, it matters what you do with it. Every change in your life requires that you do something new, something you’ve never done before, something that scares you. If you wish to grow, if you wish to live, you must act. Here are 36 ways to get started today!

Responsibility, Power & a few Red Hot Chili Peppers

Decision Devil

Change is Easy. Making a choice is hard. Before you start thinking I’ve banged my head at one too many Red Hot Chili Pepper concerts, consider how many times you actually made an important decision today. How many times did you come up with an idea, make a choice about that idea, and then act on that idea without fear or hesitation? Don’t live a passionless, boring existence helping someone else reach their goals by ignoring your own. Here’s why…