Category Archives: Fiction

Fear the Road, Not the Dreams

Not A Through Street by marctonysmith

Tweet [Day 25 of 365]: I’m still writing.  I almost can’t believe it.  It’s a struggle to sit down, find a prompt, and fill a page with words.  I usually hate the words, but appreciate the stolen moments with my MUSE.  And I’ve learned something. Nobody sees the world the same way as me. Not…

Always the Same BS

deja vu by jeremy brooks

Tweet [Day 23 of 365]: While my MUSE contemplates the changes I’ve envisioned for Shattered Souls, I’ve decided to come up with new story ideas.  I can’t promise anything will come from these small scenes, but I want to explore the words and images that barrage my mind. Every time I drive home, I feel…

Whats Your Secret?

saggitarius by Leo Reynolds

Tweet [Day 21 of 365]: I have good news and bad news.  The good news is that I finally figured out why my MUSE has been getting stuck so often while writing the Shattered Soul’s scenes.  I have realized that my main characters just don’t have real, emotion inducing conflict keeping them from their goals. …