Category Archives: Writing

Breaking Bad Habits in 6 Easy Steps

break bad habits

Bad habits are psychologically sticky. They range from simply annoying, such as nail biting or cracking your knuckles, to dangerously addictive, such as smoking or spending too much time on the internet. Bad habits can damage your ability to make important choices at work and in your daily life. However, these six steps, adapted from the psychology of learning, can help you change your negative neural patterns and overcome bad habits.

Bubble Brainstorming, an Illustrated Inspiration

Tweet Bubble Brainstorming, or just bubbling to those of us that use it constantly, is a wonderful playground to let your Muse, your creative right brain, go wild.  It gets your ideas on paper and gives them fertile ground to grow.  It also makes your Daemon, your judgmental left brain, shut-up! I absolutely swear by…

51 Writer’s Block Busters


Tweet 1.  Walk a Labyrinth Find a labyrinth near you (check out this site, define a question or pick a single focus such as Gratitude, Peace, Joy, Understanding, Love, Truth, etc, and follow the path to the center and back. 2.  Join a Forum find a forum about your writing topic, join, and participate…