Tweet [Day 17 of 365]: I’m having a lot of trouble developing the larger story here. Some of the scenes keep coming, but the plot is falling apart between my fingers. I wish I could say it’s been easy to write, but today was hard and frustrating. VERY frustrating. So I guess this scene comes…
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Tweet [Day 16 of 365]: So, I finally got up the nerve to write a sex scene. Yes, my dear adult readers, this scene has sex…. but…. I don’t have the guts to post it, not all of it anyway. My apologies. But, I promise that when I finally finish this story, I will include…
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Tweet [Day 15 of 365]: Its funny when the characters start talking to you. its funny when it feels like they are telling you the story through some weird form of telepathy. I love the feeling of writing in a deep and engaging flow when words practically sparkle off the page. But it is…
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