Tweet [Day 15 of 365]: Its funny when the characters start talking to you. its funny when it feels like they are telling you the story through some weird form of telepathy. I love the feeling of writing in a deep and engaging flow when words practically sparkle off the page. But it is…
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Close your eyes and imagine I’m taking you to a cocktail party to meet the 5 most important people in the world. However, you’re not a guest at the party, you are the bouncer. Your job is to make sure everybody has a good time without getting too drunk and without starting any fist fights. Because tomorrow, these people are the ones who have to work together to make your Life Purpose possible. And anybody who ends up with a black eye won’t be very cooperative in the morning.
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Tweet Do you ever get the feeling that you’re wasting your life? Running in circles, forever busy, but never getting anything of consequence done? You know that if you could just figure out what you SHOULD be doing with your life, you would finally feel the passion and motivation that’s been missing. “You’re here because…
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